Changes Overview
- More kids: Increased chances for leaders to have children
- Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements
- AI improvements

- More kids: leaders with no children now have a higher chance to have kids
- VP calculation: Points required to win are now increased when projects that grant VP are available (i.e. Opulence in Behind the Throne)
- Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements that can be pillaged but do not get destroyed, and cannot be replaced
- Tribal Divorces: Divorcing a tribal spouse now results in a negative opinion with that tribe
- Distant raids: No longer include ships
- AI unit building:
- The traits of Grand Viziers and AI leaders now influence their decisions of how many units they build
- Heroes, Commanders, Tacticians, and Warlike characters build more units and Builders, Scholars, Diplomats, and Timid characters build fewer units
- AI is more likely to build units in cities that give unit promotions and experience
- Alliance events: Most alliance and tribal alliance events now either require a diplomat leader or are disabled in competitive mode
- City reveal: Cities are now revealed from a greater distance, like settlements
- City capture: Cities now take 1 turn longer to capture
- Unit spawn location: Rebels from Slums spawn on Slum tiles and Religious Dissent rebels spawn on religious buildings, if possible
- Starting units no longer spawn on the same tile, even if they are allowed to do so
AI improvements:
- Less aggressive in saving yields for many turns when spending results in an immediate, albeit lesser, benefit
- Better evaluation of laws to properly take into account the unlocking of unique units
- Increased the value of growth for a city that is building Settlers/Workers
- Decreased value of disciples, AI avoids building them if has no use for them
- Revised AI build hurrying priorities
- Improved AI danger assessment and retreating
- Improved AI unit build selection
Headless autoplay:
- Added support for AI auto-runs in headless mode
- Run OldWorldAutorun.bat in the same folder as the game executable
- All players in the save are controlled by the AI for the specified number of turns, after which the game exits
- Can examine runs by opening the autosaves that are placed in the Auto folder
Other programming changes:
- Performance optimizations: Improved performance of terrain rendering, tile ownership changes and event processing
- Improvement and Project Legitimacy: now tied to effectCity and always converted to orders in no characters mode
- Moving capital: Added support for moving the capital. Player’s original capital is now remembered and exposed to the event system
- Roads from improvements: Added support for improvements adding roads to the tile
- ZOC changes from improvements: Added support for improvements allowing units to ignore enemy ZOC
- Mission bonus rework: InfoMission.miXP replaced with SubjectCharacterBonus
- Diplomacy methods: now take players as arguments instead of teams, to that events are triggered for the most relevant players
- Family tab icons: removed player color
- Marriage missions: now grouped together
- Inheritance and Tech Tree screens: now scrollable with camera keys (WASD)
- Religion Tooltips: Active Clergy and Current Followers no longer shown if there are none. Added +2 civics to Holy City line
- City Tooltips: Added tile tooltip content to bottom of city tooltip
- Royal characters: Changed ‘your Relative’ to ‘A Royal’
- Nation tooltips: Now always show number of cities on nation tooltips
- Honey resource audio: Reduced volume of honey environmental audio
- Custom campaign audio: Added custom sounds for priest attacks in Pharoahs of the Nile scenario 3
- Tutorial events: Adjusted timing and added more to No Events mode
- Button dragging: Disabled unnecessary button clone when dragging buttons
- Laurion Mines: No longer show extra text on map
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed recruitment with legitimacy penalty not getting applied on loading a save
- Fixed info loading bug that could cause new games to fail to start
- Fixed undo/redo related to tribal invasions
- Fixed bug with random seed for event story trigger test not matching the seed of the actual triggered event
- Fixed silent event failures caused by type cast issue
- Fixed units failing to spawn from improvements in Barbarian Horde games after the invasion had started
- Fixed disable environment audio toggle not taking effect immediately
- Fixed Fickle Band effects not triggering when divorce happened from an event
- Fixed ships exiting Great Cothon not always getting their size updated
- Fixed multiple selection highlights
- Fixed title of MP setup screen when coming from Mod selection screen
- Fixed improvement spawned units not respecting DLC checks
- Fixed project ambitions not respecting DLC checks
- Fixed border expansion preview not updating when selecting option in minimized event
- Fixed issues with unit list scrolling and units becoming unselectable
- Fixed AI value placed on Strongholds and Citadels (will now be built more often)
- Fixed spurious assert triggering when a nation is eliminated
- Fixed graphical display issue affecting Arid Hills
- Fixed inconsistency with the number of capture turns of cities
- Fixed eliminated tribes being eligible for forming an alliance
- Fixed improvement max player count not working for improvements with no improvement class
- Fixed exception when submenus scrolled off-screen
- Fixed bug where goal subject weight could result in an ineligible subject being chosen
- Fixed acquired techs cost in Encyclopedia and added cost to tooltips in tech tree
- Fixed some rebel spawn issues
- Fixed event cache bug
- Fixed modified collection exception
- Fixed sort exception
- Fixed incorrect iTriggerExtra in EVENTTRIGGER_CITY_CAPTURED
- Fixed bug with bSingle effectCity effects that spawn rebels possibly being counted multiple times (affects mods only)
- Text and event fixes
Old World is available on Steam, GOG, Epic and Stove
About Old World
Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.