Old World Update #126

Headline changes

Performance and memory optimizations
Civilian units can no longer defend cities
Game of the Week now uses all DLC nations and dynasties and will randomise enabled DLC regardless of DLC ownership


Civilian units (Workers, Caravans, etc) can no longer defend when in a city center and will get bounced out if attacked when the city has no HP
Game of the Week now uses all DLC nations and dynasties and will randomise enabled DLC regardless of DLC ownership
Temporarily set Game of the Week to use the No Events setting
Only Diplomat leaders can control the units of their national ally. All leaders can still control tribal allies units
Cohorts now requires Manor instead of Land Consolidation
Land units can no longer stun units on water tiles
Stunned units now keep their Zone of Control
Removed attack penalty for Tactician leader general
Inland Sea map script no longer has desert and mountains at the top and bottom of the map
Tweaks to eligible events for Minimal Event Level and No Events
Kush Scouts with a Schemer leader are no longer invisible when building Forts
Starting leaders now have more protection against dying in the first 20 turns (up from 10)
Caravans no longer exist in 1v1 duels or games with one nation
Truce with a tribe no longer costs legitimacy in some cases
Caravans can enter Anarchy-owned tiles
Impious characters are no longer restricted from becoming Clergy (Sacred and Profane)
Colosseum now creates a Swordsman every 10 turns instead of 5 (Wonders and Dynasties)


AI no longer builds other projects in border cities if it can build walls
AI now buys resources for unit upgrades
AI no longer plans to expand against a player or tribe if it would otherwise have a zero percent chance to declare war against them
AI improvements to handle worker blockades
AI performance optimizations
Many memory optimizations
Mods can now have custom event art


Updated localization text
No Events toggle moved to Event Level dropdown
Improved road visibility on minimum terrain detail
Added new hotkey (Ctrl+L) to toggle between the two most recently used languages
General name is a now a link on the unit selection panel
Adjusted spacing in unit tooltip bonus table
Rural specialists on non-resource tiles are now shown on the resources/improvements overlay
Improvement help reorganization. Added Potential Bonuses / Other Bonuses links to some improvement tooltips to help readability
Added organized tribal unit concept and indication on unit tooltip
Added notification icon for Occurrences (Era of Peace, Civil War etc)
Laws screen now potentially scrollable (affects mods that add laws)
Units can now be selected through world UI elements (Harvested icon, text from overlays)
Attack preview tooltip prioritized over other world UI tooltips
Improved handling of grammatical gender
Tech cards display now updated when science stockpile changes
Tile yield overlay now shows negative yield values (but does not include consumption)
Moved All Characters list to the right side of character filters.
Character list now sorts by family, with head at top and then by age
Family and Religion heads now have their background highlighted in the character list
Available DLC section added to menu
Active DLC now shown in game parameters
Added divider for CTRL-selection helptext for agent/governor button on city widget
Simplified MP setup screen and added Advanced Options button
Added games completed to Hall of Fame achievements page. Games won now shows games actually won
Enhancements to coloring on recommended improvement widget

Bug Fixes

Fixed Garrison/Stronghold/Citadel stone upkeep issue in Barbarian Horde scenario
Fixed occasionally-hidden yield costs on production buttons
Fixed null reference in AI bonus value calculation for tribe cities
Fixed artefacts at the edges of fog of war from some viewing angles
Fixed stats breakdown tooltips
Fixed Learn to Play menu scenario expansion
Fixed simple setup screen not correctly applying the difficulty level from the options file
Fixed a No Events event appearing incorrectly
Fixed religion opinion tooltip issue
Fixed reign years display for bypassed rightful heir
Fixed autobuild cities sometimes not selecting something to build
Fixed some issues with in-game language changing
Fixed inland tribes setting for Continent map script
Fixed some truncated link hovering issues
Fixed AI not advancing to occupy a settlement
Fix player power display in German
Fixed truce and peace missions having no outcome in No Events mode
Fixed preset game options from the previous game not being applied on starting a new game
Fixed selection issues around city widget
Fixed clicks on popups / menus affecting the map
Fixed manage luxuries button sometimes closing city screen
Fixed rebels not appearing if the player has no military tech
Fixed several load/save errors
Fixed Game of the week selecting invalid archetype and dynasty option combinations
Fixed premade map MP setup screen with nations that are not enabled
Fixed null reference on improvement tooltip
Fixed AI not finishing Wonders left unfinished
Fixed Tribes not moving when blocked by another unit that then moves
Fixed some missing scenario options
Fixed incorrect default nation selection on setup
Fixed Barbarian sites no longer regenerating after the last Barbarian settlement eliminated
Fixed some shaders failing to render on Macs
Fixed law/improvement help indentation in tech tooltip
Fixed a bug related to AI unit upgrading
Fixed null ref in Hall of Fame when scenario doesn’t have a scenario class
Fixed religion opinion load/save error
Fixed Event Browser scaling
Fixed AI ignoring targets that are not reachable from its own territory
Miscellaneous AI fixes
Fixed Grand Vizier incorrectly triggering the “no councilors from our family” opinion penalty (Behind the Throne)
Fixed border expansion preview for building a farm not taking into account the free farmer from the Jerwan Aqueduct (Wonders and Dynasties)
Fixed specialist bug after capturing a city with the Jerwan Aqueduct (Wonders and Dynasties)
Text and event fixes

Old World is available on Steam, GOG, Epic and Stove

About Old World

Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.