Old World Update #122

Headline changes

Archipelago map script improvements
Event tweaks and improvements
Changes to how players starting reserved city sites are calculated and displayed


Archipelago map script improvements. Maps are now 20% bigger than normal maps (down from 40%), large islands are bigger and added Water Size map option
The number of reserved city sites (sites near start location not occupied by Tribes) is now set by the Tribal Strength setting
The percentage of reserved city sites that are occupied by Barbarians is set by Difficulty
Empty reserved sites are revealed on founding your capital
Many events restructured and tweaked
Events that offer ambitions are no longer canceled if the ambition is completed before dealing with the event
Most missions that can result in an event no longer do so on Minimal event level
Launch Offensive now costs 800 training, up from 600
Peaceful nations borders now count as neutral instead of friendly territory for the purposes of healing
Tribal invasions can occur only if one of the player’s cities is reachable from one of the tribe’s settlements
Minor Cities now give +10% defense and no longer give Discontent
Removed Cult events from Competitive mode (Sacred and Profane)
Removed Kush’s nation opinion modifier with Egypt
Added difficulty restriction (minimum the Just) for some events that might contain only war options
Improvements now allowed to be replaced by improvements of the same class (relevant for shrines)


Increased AI value for walls
Added InfoCulture.mePrevCulture/meNextCulture so culture levels are properly moddable.
Game editor can now decrease city culture by right-clicking
City starting culture now properly defined through InfoGlobals (for modders use)
Added bAbandonCity bonus (for modders use)
Better network match check logging
Added GreeceCampaign source folder and LearnByPlaying xml folders to the public reference folders
Recommended builds performance optimization


Turn summary now always shows birth of royal children
Events are now included in cloud game turn summary emails
Changed attack preview UI to be a tooltip so it can be locked
Removed redundant job line in character tooltip
Character tooltip no longer shows agent status for characters on other teams
Added new construction states for the Great Cothon and the Colosseum
Player turn text now shown in cooperative MP games
Cloud game descriptions now stored in the correct language for each player
Increased text ping character limit from 40 to 255
Removed heir-naming popup when the leader is not the parent
Notification header text can no longer wrap to a new line
Technology display is now right justified
Tooltip verbosity and formatting improvements
Changed ‘no worker suggestions’ option to ‘no action suggestions’. Enabling this option removes all unit, city and research recommendations.
Improvement ping dropdown improvements
In-game options popup shows the email address for that game, can be different per save
UI now updates after you kick a player from a cloud game through host settings
Added Occurrence log category for notifications and PBC emails
Tribal cities (not camps) now show player diplomacy status icon on the city banner
The power/knowledge display is now unambiguous in who it refers to
Help text for the spread religion option now shows yields that will be gained (from the Oracle, Tolerance etc)
Improved display of dropdowns on setup screen when scrolling

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue with animated resource display on AMD GPUs
Fixed some family icon issues
Fixed bonus ship cards not being shown on tooltips and the tech tree when the player has no coastal cities
Fixed automate button being shown in non-player cities
Fixed some UI interactions with canceling missions
Fixed null reference on religious council goal helptext
Fixed AI assigning a governor upon settling a new city, when it doesn’t have the orders to do so
Fixed enter/return not interacting with save browser prompts
Fixed Disjunction One Continent per Team maps sometimes having multiple teams on the same continent
Fixed duplicated tech prereq indicators
Fixed newly arrived characters past the fertility age being fertile
Fixed some asserts and null references when converting a cloud game to network
Fixed city links not spawning tooltips in some cases
Player and game names can no longer include multiple lines
Fixed children sometimes becoming infertile before adulthood (introduced in last weeks test update)
Fixed difficulty level tooltip
Fixed issues preventing missions from being canceled
Fixed mini tech display button not respecting tech tree settings
Fixed build recommendation stars not appearing
Fixed map script boundary tiles sometimes blocking out important sections of the map
Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 3 major victory not triggering on turn 40
No longer possible to rewind a cloud game to a surrendered player
Fixed Alt key sometimes getting stuck down, preventing keyboard shortcuts from working correctly
Fixed city screen recommendation assert errors
Fixed Arid Plateau random map settings
Fixed councilors not being selectable if slot is disabled (i.e. Spymasters after Agrippina dies)
Fixed city sort issues
Fixed city build recommendations and improvement ping icons not always updating immediately
Fixed lateral and dynastic succession when the founder is not related to the current leader
Fixed leader tooltip not locking on timeline screen
Text and event fixes

Old World is available on Steam, GOG and the Epic Games Store

About Old World

Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.