Headline changes
Added Customize Leader option
Added city site density map option
Improved AIs use of anchoring

Added Customize Leader option to game setup when Pick Later Archetype is selected. This allows you to choose your leader’s portrait, name, age, gender and starting trait as well as their archetype.
Added city site density map option: High, Medium, and Low. High is the default, Medium has 1.5x distance between city sites and Low has 2x
Chaste trait will no longer be randomly assigned to characters
Units of a tribe without settlements but with a player ally no longer convert to Raiders
Cities captured by tribes and by the player in One City Challenge now go through the normal capturing period before switching hands or being razed
Ending a tribal or national alliance now bounces units out of tiles they can no longer occupy (i.e city center)
The No Ancient Ruins option will now work on premade maps. Ruins tiles get cleared and changed to a nearby terrain type
Can no longer start a diplomatic mission to change war/truce/peace state until both sides have met each other. This is particularly relevant for Schemer archetypes who can no longer declare war immediately on meeting a nation with an invisible scout
AI now builds the Found Religion project
2 new ambitions added for Hittites to build their unique units
In the Barbarian Horde scenario, Cunning governors grant +20 family opinion instead of unlocking Caravans (which are disabled)
Improved AIs use of anchoring
UI xml files are now allowed in user mods. UI xml files have been added to the Reference folder
Ping popup style consistency pass
Added city found cost to tile tooltip (for allied tribal sites)
Added pending critical hit icon to unit list (when Show Critical Hits game option enabled)
City Site help text now shown only when the tutorial is enabled
Changed character tooltip yield rating effect to match choose governor help text
Added helptext explicitly explaining that you lose if you die without an heir to all refusal options in the NO_HEIRS event class
Encyclopedia now lists if an Improvement can’t be adjacent to another religion
Changed “Reveal N% of the Map” goal text to “Reveal N% of the Land”
Bug Fixes
Fixed load game failing for saves using mods with additional sprites
Fixed event options having a higher resource cost than the cap (affects Training and Civics)
Fixed Establish Theology goal being canceled when a competing Theology is established if the player has access to another religion where the goal could still be completed
Scenario setup screen fixes
Fixed dynasty dropdown changing to blank entry when previous selection becomes invalid
Fixed password field showing as cleared in some cases
Fixed tribe/player opinion not updating when leader opinion changes
Fixed mission result testing bug where no event fires after a mission even though the game says you get an event, most often seen with tutoring
Event Browser UI fixes
Fixed asterisk showing on helptext that can show up with debug help option off
Fixed world space UI not initializing position properly after UI layer is toggled
Fixed infos file name bug
Fixed ESC not clearing locked tooltips
Fixed city health not displaying properly after founding with damaged settler and undoing
Clicking on a Launch Offensive notification will no longer zoom to the relevant tile unless it is visible
Events for removing Severely Ill should no longer happen when Doomed
Can no longer claim an unowned urban tile that is connected to an active city site
Fixed raiders appearing in Heroes of the Aegean scenario 1
Fixed null ref when ending Occurrence with bonus, which was causing problems for some play by cloud games
Fixed some inconsistencies with allied tribe unit, city, and tile ownership as compared to allied nation ownership
Fixed color of diplomacy icons in nation and tribe help
Fixed hotkeys for zoom in and zoom out being reversed
Fixed some Missions showing incorrect durations in the Encyclopedia
Fixed events promoting non-promotable units like Militia
Fixed active cloud game list delay in initial update
Fixed no heir events not firing as often as they should
Fixed family opinion graph
Fixed production list for non-player-owned cities with agents
Fixed border expansion bug (introduced in last test patch)
Fixed achievements not firing for clients in MP games
Fixed bug with Destroy Rival Nation ambition in OCC
Progress sorting by happiness levels now properly treats discontent progress as negative
When character becomes leader more events that would no longer make sense are made invalid
Student traits are removed on imprisonment
Text and event fixes
Old World is available on Steam, GOG and the Epic Games Store
About Old World
Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.