City widget culture level icon tooltip no longer reveals the exact culture of rival cities
Teammates stats are now displayed on the Records screen
Units with generals can no longer be gifted
Can now select Garrison location in capital – ctrl+left click on preferred urban tile before settling
Artisan families get +10 opinion per Artist character.
Champion families no longer get opinion bonus for Bold characters.
Blocked control Holy City ambitions from appearing in One City Challenge
Competitive mode now disables off-map tribal raids and prevents cognomens with negative legitimacy
Centralization allows building farms on marsh, no longer gives +10 civics.
Farms on marsh produce +2 Wood/Turn (in addition to food)
More marsh tiles will be generated near lakes
Ambitions have been rebalanced
Middle East map improvements
Removed demand/offer tribute variations of national peace ambassador mission

New Events (includes some older events that were previously disabled)
An Embassy
All too Quick
Exacting Union
Everyone Wants a Peace
(Nation)’s Best Friend
The Will of the Profit
The Might of (Nation)
The Price of Peace
The Grand Hunt
One For The Storybooks
A Remarkable Discovery
The Sword In The Stone
Legacy of the Ruler
Together in the World
The City to Come
Several tutorial events for yield deficits and caps and when units do low damage
AI performance improvements
AI is more proactive in healing units that are not in immediate danger
AI now knows to place improvements adjacent to tiles that can have adjacency bonuses, even before those tile have improvements
Worker AI improvements
Early-game AI move priority tweak
Increased AI emphasis on training production in its cities and AI improvement selection to better match the terrain
AI better defends its endangered cities
AI city garrison improvements
AI fort building logic updated
AI tries harder to preserve units’ fortified, testudo, unlimbered, and anchored states
Added cuneiform font support
Added Team Color Intensity option under Options – UI
Added option to reduce game framerate when application is not in focus under Options – Graphics
Added difficulty dropdown to scenario description screen.
Project help will no longer show impossible bonuses, e.g. Babylonia’s +2 culture for Treasuries if you’re not Babylonia
In One City Challenge, the city screen will show the button to build Settlers but the tooltip explains that they’re unavailable in OCC
Separated city widget production text and build time text to avoid build time getting hidden with overflowing text
City list now defaults to sort by last ownership change (i.e. captured cities will appear at the bottom of the list)
Cloud games where the next player is the same as the current player now allow you to play the next turn without returning to the menu
Cloud games are automatically saved locally for the host each turn
Added Urban Tile count to population help
Fatigue pips are hidden when a unit is fatigued and force march is toggled under unlimited force march
Map editor – Menu – Save now shows saved popup same as Menu – Save As and CTRL-S
Improved Send Luxury button text
Luxury management buttons now appear for hostile nations/tribes
Divination tooltip now shows all nation shrine types instead of only the generic shrine class
Added text auto-resizing for city production buttons if necessary
The Hill: Added scenario description/rules to victory popup screen
Bug Fixes
Localization text additions and fixes
Miscellaneous event fixes
Adjusted Hittite UU model to prevent potential overlaps
Fixed double victory point threshold being incorrectly displayed on Victory Screen
Fixed initial family bonuses being applied after the initial units have already been created
Fixed some eliminated player issues in both network and cloud multiplayer
Fixed tribal marriage issue
Fix for hover helptext on overlay tile widgets
Moved out of bounds ruins on Middle East map
Fixed adopt religion and enact law costs not appearing in Role Playing mode
Added missing icons for Move Network, Expose Network missions and Enlisted cooldown
Fixed character random trait generation
Broken mods now get unloaded on game start with a notification rather than preventing the game from loading
Fixed network turn time extension
Fixed critical hits only happening after the unit has been idle, when critical hit preview was on
Fixed city list text not updating after governor candidates are assigned
Fixed bug with retreating AI
Fixed unit visibility issues on map reveal/unreveal
Fixed scenario MP setup screen showing incorrect nations
Fixed river movement helptext, movement bonus comes from Exploration
Fixed mission icon scaling issue
Prevented vegetation spread to wheat or barley tiles
Fixed self-reference in Courtier helptext
Fixed server mode “uploading game” popup not clearing
Fixed MP game tooltip stars to show the players currently expected to take their turn
Fix for Shrine of Vesta ember effect flickering on some machines
Fixed inconsistent UI portrait background assignment
Network game player information fixes
Fixed city widget healthbar sorting issue
Fixed issue where a unit widget behind a city widget would steal focus from the city widget, making it hard to mouse over elements on the city widget when a unit widget was nearby
Fixed AI behavior issues
Fixed combat tutorial Highlander/Ranger events
Fixed BonusUnitClass hang if the class includes multiple units without a tech prerequisite
Fixed potential issue with Control all cities goal not completing in Greece 4
Fixed issues with terrain cell detail level selection and terrain cells at the edge of maps creating flickering mountains
Fixed crash when AI razed a city
Fixed Steam Deck option selection bug
Old World is available on Steam, GOG and the Epic Games Store
About Old World
Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.