Old World Update #70

Highlighted Changes:

  • Dropped Injury probability from 2% to 1%
  • You can now trade 100 resources to your teammate per Order
  • Random Leaders game option enforces unique archetypes for each leader on the same team
  • UU hiring events now cannot fire in the first 30 turns
  • No characters option has been removed from single-player
  • Added two new Learn to Play Scenarios

  • New painting added for Assyria
  • We now keep victory event screen open when selecting “view timeline” option
  • Caravan mission notifications have been updated, separated by money and opinion
  • Added game manual link to Extras menu

For more detailed build change information please read the full update notes.


About Old World

Set in classic antiquity, Old World is a historical 4X strategy game created by Soren Johnson (Lead Designer, Civilization IV). Players select a historical leader and use the innovative Orders system to dominate the competition. Leaders are mortal; once they die, the nation’s future depends on their heirs.