For more details, read the full update notes.
- There have been some changes to the amount of Victory Points a city awards based on its culture
- Cities with Weak culture are now worth 1 Victory Point
- Cities with Developing culture are now worth 2 Victory Points
- Cities with Strong culture are now worth 3 Victory Points
- Cities with Legendary culture are now worth 4 Victory points
- Combat bonuses/penalties from family opinions have been reduced
- Combat units now receive a -20% strength penalty if their family is furious (down from 30%)
- Combat units now receive a -10% strength penalty if their family is angry (down from 20%)
- Combat units now receive a -5% strength penalty if their family is upset (down from 10%)
- Combat units now receive a +5% strength bonus if their family is please (down from 10%)
- Combat units now receive a +10% strength bonus if their family is friendly (down from 20%)
- Some Nations families classes have been changed
- Carthage
- The Barcid family is now a Riders family (previously Champions)
- The Didonian family is now a Statesmen family (previously Sages)
- Greece
- The Argead family is now a Champions family (previously Riders)
- The Alcmaeonid family is now a Sages family (previously Statesmen)
- Carthage