For more details, read the full updates notes.
- The Cogwheel technology has been renamed to Chain Drive
- The Windlass technology now gives a bonus tech card
- The Bonus Card associated with Windlass is a Free Crossbowman
- Elephant units no longer have a bonus against mounted units
- Elephant units now have the Panic ability
- The Panic ability causes targets to retreat after combat
- Units with a Schemer general will now lose stealth after attacking
- Units now receive a -50% combat modifier if they are fighting against rebel units from the same family
- Urban tiles can no longer be purchased via the Colonization Law
- The number of harbors a city can build is now limited to a max of 1 per culture level
- You can now build a max of 2 Cathedrals per family
- Culture steps before Legendary have been removed
- Culture progression was the following: Weak, Developing I, Developing II, Strong I, Strong II, Strong III, Legendary
- Culture progression is now: Weak, Developing, Strong, Legendary
- Culture levels now give science boosts