- Cave terrain is now highlighted when holding down the “z” key
- Caves with resource access are now protected on HQ found
- Infinite Map Challenge is now an option while waiting in the multiplayer queue
- Player names are now hidden in multiplayer loading screen when in Masquerade mode
- Ranked Queue stats are now refreshed when leaving the 1v1 or 4P queues
- Added version information to the popup when failing to join a lobby because the versions are different
- Added detailed tooltips for location selection
- Optimization costs have been adjusted
- Improved (25%) from 20 Chemicals, 40 seconds to 30 Chemicals, 40 seconds
- Efficient (50%) from 40 Chemicals, 60 seconds to 40 Chemicals, 50 seconds
- Advanced (75%) from 60 Chemicals, 80 seconds to 50 Chemicals, 60 seconds
- Perfect (100%) from 80 Chemicals, 100 seconds to 60 Chemicals, 70 seconds
- Elites now start with 2 extra shares owned (up from 1)
- Space Elevators now cost 600 Aluminum, 100 Glass, 100 Electronics
- Scientists now start with a Goon Squad
- Basalt construction penalty removed
- Nomads receive one claim per HQ level (including HQ1), changed from two claims per level after HQ1
- Elite Pleasure Dome now consumes .25 Chemicals per second (down from .5)
- Interest rate now increases by 2 for each bond level beyond “D” (D+1, +2, +3, etc.)
- Founding bonus money now cut in half every time someone founds
- Maps are no longer guaranteed to have one of either Pirates or Magnetic Storms.
- Chinese and Korean text no longer shrinks down to an unreadable size in the character popups
- Changed the Return Claim icon
- New logo for Reclamation/Scavengers
- Stock warning will no longer appear in scenarios with Stock Market disabled
- Now possible to skip the Colony Class screen in games with a Colony Class
- Resource buttons can now be disabled if that resource cannot be bought and/or sold
- Resource rows can now be highlighted in the Market UI
- Scenarios can now have variable difficulty
- Additional options added for adjusting scenario objective display
- Added a way for modders to show the time limit without setting the mode to seven sols
- Added ability for modders to overwrite pause text
- Added customizable game info popup for modders
- Added customizable text to fund panel for modders
- Added ability for modders to toggle the resource panel display mode
- Added ability for modders to set mouse-over tooltip text for resource warnings
- Added PlayAudio() function for modders
Bug Fixes
- Fullscreen application now remains visible when switching focus to another application
- Resources that the player is not intended to be able to acquire can no longer be obtained through offworld launches (as with Scenario Toolkit scenario 3)
- Fixed hiring of employees with CTRL and SHIFT in Campaign
- Auction countdown will no longer display after an auction has closed
- Auction countdown no longer displays when there is no upcoming auction
- Added “Show Building Net” player option
- Starting “A Risky Investment” will no longer prevent debt from ticking in other Scenario Toolkit Scenarios
- Fixed bug in Raskolnikov’s Campaign HQ text
- Fixed Blue Chip Ventures bug that incorrectly set starting debt to $0 in some scenarios
- Fixed buy building bug where UI would say that you can build a building when you don’t have enough money
- Players can now launch 2 shipments with one Mutiny
- Various Ranked Queue improvements
- Hotkeys are now restricted when their corresponding UI element (can no longer bid after intended in Tutorial 3).
- Players will no longer be sent to an empty lobby when a friend invite fails
- Various text improvements
- Scanning UI no longer appears when choosing second HQ location as Nomads on reveal map when all other players have founded
- Black Market highlighting no longer appears over character popups