Here are the rules:
- All tournament matches are free-for-alls, with a medium map and default settings, with the exception of Masquerade, Reveal Map, and Random Prices, which must be turned on.
- All games will be played on the next_version branch (password is “MohicanSun2015)”).
- The format for winning is that games continue until one player has won two matches.
- If a player does not show up within ten minutes of the match start time, s/he forfeits the match, and a replacement will be brought in if possible.
- Games will be streamed at either or Make sure to follow both if you want to be notified of start times.
- Zultar (myself) will broadcasting and commentating on each game. If you’re interested in joining me for a day, feel free to in get in touch and we’ll look into setting something up. No additional commentators will be added last minute.
Game #1, Wednesday, Mar. 30th, @6pm EST:
- Blackmagic
- Deathtacticus
- Heisenberg
- Duban
Game #2, Thursday, Mar. 31st, @10am EST:
- SorenJohnson
- Cubit32
- Hydroponos
- MantisStyle
Game #3, Friday, Apr. 1st @10am EST:
- kingmorgan
- theSpinCycle
- Blues
- Dawbz
Game #4, Saturday, Apr. 2nd, @3pm EST:
- Yerand
- Gameslayer
- Dermas
- InSync
Here is the bracket: